
Historic 7th March-2024 celebration

Date : 09 Mar, 2024

A unique day in the history of freedom struggle and liberation war of Bengali nation. On this day in 1971, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman called for the freedom struggle of Bangladesh, standing in a huge crowd at Suhrawardy Udyan (now Race Course Maidan).
On this day, in the presence of millions of freedom-seeking people, this great leader announced in a thunderous voice, 'When I have given blood, I will give more blood, I will free the people of this country, God willing. This struggle is the struggle for our liberation, this struggle is the struggle for freedom.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's historic speech on March 7, 1971 later became the seed mantra of the freedom struggle. Similarly, this speech is not only a political document, but also a possibility for cultural identity of the nation. Bengalis started preparing for the liberation war basically on the call of Bangabandhu's speech.
Bangabandhu's historic March 7 speech roared the stormy sea of ​​people. The red-green flag emblazoned with the map of Bangladesh fluttered in the spring wind with the arrogance of millions of people shouting slogans. The thunderous fist of a million oaths rose in the sky. On that day, Bangabandhu ascended the stage at 3.20 pm. Fagun's sun is still overhead.
According to political experts, Bangabandhu's speech is not only a call to the Bengali nation to join the liberation struggle. This is the direction to jump into the liberation struggle of all nations.
7th March Day was celebrated with due dignity in Sonapur High School. First, a wreath was placed on the portrait of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. Later, quiz competition on "Bangabandhu's Speech of 7th March" and "Incomplete Autobiography" was held among the students, prize distribution was held through the final discussion program.